The Personal Piety of Jonathan Edwards, part 2
Part one can be read here.
The principal means by which Jonathan…

The Personal Piety of Jonathan Edwards, part 1
Broadly defined, “piety” refers to the aggregate of a person’s…

Lessons from Jonathan Edwards’s Diary
In August of 1722, less than a year-and-a-half after his conversion,…

Newsletter from The Center for Biblical Spirituality
In this edition:
Crossway releases new edition of Don’s…

Family Worship & the Day I Made My Daughter Cry
My daughter, Laurelen, graduated from a small, classical Christian…

5 Reasons to Prioritize Family Worship
Just about everyone I know feels overwhelmed, and most are busier…

How to Do Family Worship
In this four-minute video, Don Whitney explains how to do family…

Video–“How to Do Family Worship”
In this four-minute video, Don Whitney explains how to do family…

New Year’s Update from The Center for Biblical Spirituality
Happy New Year from The Center for Biblical Spirituality!

“Spiritual Disciplines for the New Year”
Recently it was my privilege to be interviewed by Dr. Heath Lambert,…