Family News & Notes
Don has been Acting Dean at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary during the mini-sabbatical of Dean Russell Moore. Much of Don's time has been devoted to a years-long writing project he expects to finish this summer.
Don plans on attending the SBC in Orlando. If you are scheduled to attend, drop by the Southern Seminary booth and say hello. Are you a prospective student at Southern planning on attending the convention? On a first-come, first-served basis Don will bring prospective students as his guests to the Southern Seminary luncheon on Wednesday during the convention at 12:30. This is always a very good meal as well as an opportunity to hear Dr. Mohler speak. It will also provide guests with an occasion to ask Don questions about the seminary. Only a handful of these free tickets ($20 in advance; as well as at the door, subject to availability) are available. To request one of these tickets, email For more info about the banquet or to purchase tickets, go to
Caffy has completed the once-a-week Art History course she taught at Dorothy Sayers Classical School and the discipleship course she taught at the Seminary Wives Institute each Thursday night at Southern Seminary. Now she is focused on preparing for her mom to move in.
Laurelen has finished her junior year of high school and is counting the days until she can get her driver's license this summer. A few weeks ago she ran her first mini-marathon. Her next big event is Vocal Arts at DePauw.
The photo is Laurelen at the prom:
Farm & Garden Report
Don has been too busy writing to do much farm and garden work this year. Basically maintenance level work. The first strawberry harvest is winding down, but the first blueberries are coming inthe North Sky variety. They are small, but sweet. Like last year, though, things don't look promising for the blueberries. A recent soil sample report doesn't give much hope for the future of the blueberries, either. The raspberries are looking great so far, as are the blackberries.
Caffy's bees have been little workaholics. Last year she got zero honey, and at a statewide "bee school" in the spring they predicted that next year would also be bad. This year, however, the bees act like they are making up for last year and getting ready for next year. She has as many as ten boxes on one hive, each box weighing sixty pounds. She only has four hives, but still expects lots of honey. She's also pleased with her hydrangeas. The first cutting of two varieties of lavender was brought in this past week. It's looking great also. If lavender can be grown in your areagive it a try. It's been very easy to grow and the benefits of the harvest can last for years.
Pray for perseverance for Don to complete his writing project THIS SUMMER.
Please ask the Lord to give us wisdom and grace as we transition Caffy's mom here.
Pray for the Lord's blessing on our family's growth together in grace. Ask His blessing upon our reading of Scripture, praying, and singing each day in family worship.
Pray for God's blessing upon Don's ministry at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and through The Center for Biblical Spirituality.
"The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2