Family News & Notes
Don has been working hard to finish a years-long writing project. Please pray for him to complete this very soon.
Caffy has just two more class sessions this semester with her seminary wives group. She serves under Mary Mohler as Discipleship Director of the Southern Seminary Wives' Institute. She recently finished work on a room at the newly-renovated Old Kentucky Governor's Mansion. A group of designers was asked to contribute their talents to renovate this two-hundred-year old home, which now serves as the Lt. Governor's residence, and one of them turned to Caffy for art work. A photo of some of her work appears in the current issue of Kentucky Homes and Gardens magazine. Her latest project is a 4 x 36 foot mural (on panels) that will appear on the barn of the Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service. The photo above is of one of the 4 x 12, low-detail panels.
Laurelen has been doubling up in school with both high school and college work. In addition to singing with Caffy in the music ministry at church, she's a busy girl. Here's a photo of Laurelen that I'm SURE she's VERY proud ofa picture of her and the "Snappy Tomato" himself at the grand opening of a pizza place nearby.
Farm & Garden Report
Don donned a John Deere t-shirt, John Deere overalls (modified with an Arkansas Razorback patch), and borrowed a John Deere tractor to do a little bushhog work earlier this week. We've had an unseasonably warm week in the upper-60s and 70s that's permitted a little catch-up time with the seasonal outside chores. Would you believe we're still picking a few raspberries and even a couple of blackberries? And while putting the strawberry patch to bed for the winter, we spied a handful of still-ripening strawberries. It's near mid-November!
Speaking of raspberries, they were probably the most successful thing we've ever grown, and about the simplest. Man, were they good! We commend them to you; try growing them yourself. On the downside, our blueberries did very poorly. It's possible that the over-abundant rainfall which helped the raspberries kept the blueberries too damp, and they don't like to have wet feet.
We're still clearing debris from the January ice storm. And there's lots of concern with what the color and fuzziness of the wooly-worms portends about this coming winter. Hmmm. At any rate, we hope to be a little better prepared this winter if there's another power outage. God willing, we won't see another eight days without power again.
Caffy was disappointed with her bees. Apparently there were "robber bees" again this year. (Something we'd never heard of until she started keeping bees.) The result was she didn't get to harvest any honey this summer, which is the main time for gathering honey. So unless she gets a good "fall flow" from themwhich can permit a small second harvestshe will have to leave all the honey for them to feed on during the winter. We'll let you know in the next newsletter.
Pray for perseverance for all as we head into the final weeks of the semester.
Please ask the Lord to give us wisdom as we must replace a car soon.
Pray for the Lord's blessing on our family's growth together in grace. Ask His blessing upon our reading of Scripture, praying, and singing each day in family worship.
Finally, continue to pray for the major writing project about which I have often requested prayer, but hope to complete in the next few weeks.
"The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2