Family News & Notes
Don is immersed in his regular routines at home as husband and father, and at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as professor of biblical spirituality and senior associate dean. In addition, he continues his speaking schedule in churches and conferences. One of the many things he enjoys about the National Conferences hosted by The Center for Biblical Spirituality is the opportunity to teach a conference and yet sleep at home.
Caffy's winter routines centeras they do most of the yeararound home and church. In March she's scheduled teach a "Spiritual Disciplines Refresher" session at a one-day event for student wives at Southern. Last week she brought half the kitchen to a new shade of green. At this writing she and Laurelen are packing for a trip to northwest Arkansas to see her mother.
Laurelen's day-to-day life revolves around church and school. In addition to her singing at church, she's working with a team of other young people there who are producing a blog and a small newspaper to distribute to other youth in the area for evangelism and apologetics. If you asked her about school, you'd probably get an answer something like, "It's school." Last week she took the PSAT.
Farm & Garden Report
Last night we received about four inches of snow, along with some sleet and then freezing rain. It was the first measurable snow in our three winters in Louisville. Most of the area was shut down today, including the seminary. Laurelen was thrilled with the hopes that she'd get to go sledding today, but the hopes were dashed when she awoke to find that most of the white stuff had turned to slush in the warming temperatures.
Caffy has been concerned about her two bee colonies during a couple of recent nights with single-digit temperatures. But today she fed the bees (did you know you could do that?) and they seemed to be okay. When she took off the lid, she expected to find them all clustered to stay warm. But they were more dispersed than she anticipated, and a few came out and immediately fell dead into the snow, unable to endure the sudden cold.
Don is keeping an eye on the effects of winter on the blueberry bushes he planted last fall, and reading up on the raspberries he hopes to plant in March.
It has just been announced that my seminary president, Dr. Albert Mohler, has been diagnosed with a pre-cancerous tumor in his colon. More tests are needed to determine the extent of things, but the tumor must be removed very soon. This will involve a long and painful process of recovery. The location of the tumor and other factors about the diagnosis are remarkably similar to mine in December, 2005. Please pray for Dr. Mohler, the diagnosis and surgery, and his recovery. Additional information will be posted regularly at
Second, please ask the Lord for His blessing on our family and growth together in grace. Ask His blessing upon our reading of the Psalms in family worship.
Third, entreat the Lord to guide and bless our efforts with our second National Conference in early April (as mentioned near the beginning of this newsletter).
Fourth, continue to pray for the writing project about which I have often requested prayer, but still haven't been able to complete.
And as always, please ask the Lord for His blessing upon my teaching at Southern and upon the ministry I discharge in my travels.
"The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2