Family News and
 Don preaching at the Edwards' 300th birthday celebration in Minneapolis in October. |
The big news around the warm hearth of the Whitney home right now (at least to me) is my fiftieth birthday. I commence my second half-century on Valentine's Day. I don't like the effects of aging on my body. And the thought of being accountable at the Judgment for fifty years of life is terribly sobering. But I've never known anyone I considered wise who sincerely wished he or she could go back. After all, by the grace of God, I trust that I'm also decades closer to Heaven.
It's interesting to ask yourself, "What's different about being this age than I once (ten, twenty, thirty, forty years ago) thought it would be?"
Thank you to those who prayed for the FamilyLife Today interviews in early January. They were well-received. You may still hear them online for free, or purchase tapes/CDs of the interviews, at For either purpose, go to the "Broadcasts" button, click on the "past broadcasts" link, then type "Whitney" in the box that says, "Guest."
For those of you interested in books on the subject of worship, P&R has released an excellent volume, Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship. Some twenty writers contributed to this large (400+ page) volume edited by Philip Ryken and Ligon Duncan. While it deals mostly with public worship, the chapter I was asked to write is on "Private Worship." You can find out more about the book here.
Caffy's was freed from her second walking cast in early February, and finally feels that the leg she broke in July is on the mend. What an ordeal this has been! Her art projects of late have included a couple of covers for reprints of children's books by Grace & Truth Books, and a mural in a model home.
Laurelen 's big news lately has been playing in the snow. Last week we unexpectedly received about ten inches, the biggest snowfall in Kansas City in eleven years. I'm sure she put more miles on her sled during that three-day period than we did on the family car. One day she took her bunny out to experience the snow. Have you ever seen a domesticated bunny trying to hop in snow twice its height?
Although it took 2.5 hours to plow our driveway and the neighbor's, it was perfect weather for sitting by the woodstove afterward, reading My Friend Flicka to Laurelen, then closing the night with family worship.