Below are two of the ninety chapters from Don's book
Simplify Your Spiritual Life. with Discussion Guide included.
Do What You Can
I admire Jean Fleming. She's been both a home and overseas missionary. She boldly and winsomely shares her faith, makes a priority of discipling other Christian women, and leads Bible studies. She actively supports her husband's full-time ministry, frequently opens her home for Christian hospitality, and serves in her local church. In her home and halfway across the country she's cared for both physically and mentally impaired relatives for long periods. The Flemings have raised three children and now enjoy their role as grandparents. Through it all Jean has written several books and articles.
She was converted in her late teens. Discipled well from the start, Jean thrived on a spiritual diet strong on disciplines like the reading, studying, and meditating on God's Word, prayer, fellowship, service, evangelism, worship, silence and solitude, journal-keeping, and Scripture memory. She felt herself making spiritual progress almost daily. All this continued after she married her equally-dedicated husband, Roger.
Then she had three children in diapers.
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Read One Page Per Day
When life gets too complex, one of the first parts of a healthy spiritual life to decline is reading. I talk to well-intentioned Christians almost every week who confess to growing piles of books by their "reading" chair, desk, nightstand, and other places, but who never have time to read. Reading for sheer enjoyment was long ago forsaken. Reading for Christian growth rarely happens. Most days, a few minutes in the Bible is all that's left of their reading. Those who love to learn and those who want to grow grieve the loss of reading like the loss of a close friend. "But what can I do," they sigh, "there are only so many hours in a day."
To these overwhelmed believers I usually ask, "Do you think you could find the time to read one page of a book each day?"
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The Value of a Slow, Plodding Perseverance
Even with the consistent evaluation of priorities, the Godly person will continue to be a busy person. However, the busy person is also the one most tempted to lapse in the practice of the very Disciplines that lead to Godliness. Without practicing the Spiritual Disciplines, we will not be Godly, but neither will we be Godly without perseverance in practicing the Disciplines. Even a slow, plodding perseverance in the Spiritual Disciplines is better than a sometimes spectacular, but generally inconsistent practice.
[Taken from page 237 of the paperback edition of Don's book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Read a chapter from this book.]

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- Bulletin inserts. Both the articles in this newsletter are available for download as bulletin inserts in .doc format for MS Word or in .pdf format for Adobe Reader, a free browser plug-in. Click the "Bulletin Inserts" button on the homepage. We will notify you as more chapters become available in this format.
- Study Guide. Looking for a book to study in your group this fall? Consider using Don's Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church with the free, downloadable study guide available here.