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"This book is not about an unsustainable perfection or an oppressive legalism, but instead about the kind of simple devotion that sets us free." From the foreword by Richard A. Swenson, MD, author of Margin and The Overload Syndrome
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Below are two of the ninety chapters from Don's Simplify Your Spiritual Life.
Remember, It's About Jesus
Why pray when it appears that your prayers go unanswered? Why keep on reading the Bible when it seems like you're getting little from it? Why continue worshiping God privately when you feel no spiritual refreshment? Why persist in keeping a journal when writing your entries bores you? Why engage in fasting, silence and solitude, serving, and other spiritual disciplines when you sense meager benefits from doing so?
It's easy to forget the real purpose of anything that's as habitual as the activities of the spiritual life. And purposeless spiritual practices soon become dry routines that shrivel our souls.
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Take a Prayer Walk
One of the most common struggles in the practice of spirituality is maintaining mental focus in prayer. When I try to pray, I often find myself thinking about my to-do list or daydreaming instead of talking to God. But walking as I prayeither in a large place indoors (such as a church building), or more frequently, outdoorsusually keeps my mind from wandering as easily. In addition, I typically bring a small Bible to prompt my prayer periodically during the walk.
The walking and the weather invigorate my sluggish soul. Looking up into the blue or out to the horizon refreshes my sense of the greatness of God. The sights, smells, and sounds of my Father's world surround me with reminders of His presence.
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Although God will grant Christlikeness to us when Jesus returns, until then He intends for us to grow toward that Christlikeness. We aren't merely to wait for holiness, we're to pursue it. "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy," we're commanded in Hebrews 12:14, for "without holiness no one will see the Lord."
Which leads us to ask what every Christian should ask, "How then shall we pursue holiness? How can we be like Jesus Christ, the Son of God?"
We find a clear answer in 1 Timothy 4:7: "Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness" (NASB).
This verse is the theme for the entire book.
[Taken from page 16 of the paperback edition of Don's book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Read a chapter from this book.]

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